March 6, 2024


  • Council Member Updates 🏘️
  • Inkubator Relaunch πŸš€
  • Other Business πŸ’Ό

Council Member Updates 🏘️


8270 took some time this week to meet with holders who had the previous proposals denied or asked to be restructured to make sure they are on the same page as the council. He also plans on looping in the specific role leads where they are needed. In addition to this, he has also continued to work out onboarding new holders and what that looks like. Lastly, a task/goal list was created so the council and watch can ensure they are ready to hit the ground running upon the Inkubator reopening.

Events πŸ₯³

Youngsun has sent his recommendations on his event list to Mushy and is currently working with him to curate and finalize it. Additionally, a goal youngsun has is to have an event RFP launch very closely with the relaunch of the Inkubator. The NFT Paris video has been edited and YS expects Tree to upload that shortly. In addition to that he is looking to create an RFP event guide with some learnings from previous events specifically Paris and how that can be improved and made easier for people to host events. Youngsun likes the idea of allowing holders to submit event proposals fairly far out to give holders and event hosts as much time as possible to prep and make sure it's as fleshed out as possible.

Experiments πŸ§ͺ

Currently, atown is waiting for his first two proposals to be published along with the Inkubator relaunch. During this down period, he is examining other ways the community could participate in other ways within web3 such as Farcast, and potentially be rewarded for that participation through Inkubator RFPs.

Watch πŸ‘€

This week pawky spent time working with Greenie on a few different ideas they have had regarding community empowerment as well as working on the next URL event for March. In addition to this, he also spent some time reaching out to other communities in web3 in an attempt to organize a cross-community X space.

Inkubator Relaunch πŸš€

Currently, the council is scheduling out when to relaunch the Inkubator in addition to hosting a community space surrounding its reopening to highlight some changes that were made as well as hear community feedback.

Other Business πŸ’ΌΒ 

As of now, there is no other business but follow the Doodles Community Council on X for more updates.