May 30, 2023


🤝Grants: Proposal Framework

🎉Events: Framework + Community Guides

🎁Rewards: Shipping soon 👀

💰Treasury: Financial Model

🪑Chair: Comms Strategy


  • Had multiple meetings with the core team to discuss: grants framework, community sentiment & high level brand strategy
  • Detailed framework was drafted by Eyal. Council is iterating on it
  • Next step is to create a holder-friendly guide to proposals


  • Events framework was drafted by Kat
  • Meeting with core team to discuss: Brand strategy, event scope, break-even expectations, KPIs/OKRs & ROI
  • Plan to break ground on community events style guide


  • The first reward has been greenlit, announcement loading…
  • Lots of ongoing internal meetings with core team to hammer down sourcing
  • Tasked with exclusive value props based on rarity


  • Financial model was built by John Schenk
  • Budget forecasting is up next
  • Meeting with core team to discuss returns to the treasury


  • Comms strategy was drafted by 8270 which incorporates: twitter, discord, notion and organic comms
  • The council + core team is providing comments + feedback
  • There is a push to get it polished ASAP to allow holders a front row seat to council operations & updates