
Proposal Type
Project Lead

itsrealgoku / @itsrealgoku

Date or Duration

@August 26, 2023

Aug 21, 2023 7:03 PM
This proposal did not pass due to ~25% of the estimated attendee breakdown consisting of OG Doodles (this should be greater than 50%) A community event centered around kids is an interesting idea with a lot of potential, but the majority of the budget is allocated to the creation of the art, rather than funding the meetup itself. This could be a good idea to pilot on a smaller scale with your local OG community to see if it is a successful model that requires Inkubator funding.


GM, I'm GOKU, a degen dood from Indonesia. Doodles Indonesia has gathered around 24 people who are involved in Doodles by holding OG Doodles / Dooplicator / Gen Box. We have a daily conversation on Twitter.

Team Space: On approval Days until launch: 39 Requested Budget (USD): 5000


GOKU - bored dood who eagers to make some dope things with limited funds thru Inkubator


What kind of community event are you organizing? community meetup

What's the name of the event? Indoods Community Meetup

What can you tell us about the venue and capacity? The venue is a restaurant called KOI Kemang and on its 3rd floor, it could fit 150 people+.

Could you break down the anticipated number of attendees? Include the projected percentage of attendees who will be Doodles holders. 75 pax. Expected OG doodles: 20 Family of OG doodles (spouse + kids): 40 IRL friend/Normies: 15

What is the event's run of show? Include any planned activities and entertainment. Bar? Club? Dance Floor? Drink from shoes? Covering your ugly face with your ugly JPEG? Boring. I do believe that Doodles is a family-oriented brand. Hence, the community meetup shouldn't be exclusive only for the specific doodle holders but also should be available for their families.

In this meetup, we will create an event that consists of gathering & networking, coloring art (supported by a 3rd party called Bartega), mini games, and a feast. We will also appreciate our community artist, Ju1ced (she's from Indonesia), who will draw five doodles-theme arts that will be colored by the attendees (adults and kids).

Run-down: 9:30-9:50AM : registration 9:50-10:00AM : opening 10:00AM-12:00PM : coloring arts (in total 10 arts, 5 from Ju1ced & 5 from Doodles art thru IG/Twitter) 12:00-1:15PM : lunch 1:15-1:45PM : mini games 1:45-2:00PM : closing

What are you hoping to accomplish through this event?

  1. Meet with other Doodles Indonesia holders.
  2. Honor our lovely artist, Ju1ced.
  3. Create a unique event that can be enjoyed by both adults and KIDS.
  4. Show Web3 people that to create a dope event, we don't need millions of dollars. A Web3 community meetup isn't always equal to a club, party, or booze.

Please detail the budget plan that accounts for all projected expenses to be assumed by the Inkubator, as well as any other participating parties or sponsors. Be sure to include any potential revenue sources. The budget plan as well as the timeline can be found in the below Google sheet:

What is the marketing and promotional plan to generate demand for the event? Marketing will take less effort; it's a niche community meetup with family. However, we will also create a posture (created by Ju1ced) that will be shared on both Twitter and Discord. And of course, words through mouth.

We will also engage a 3rd party who will handle the publication and documentation. There will be pictures and after video (around 1 minute).

How will registration / holder check-in be managed? Pre-registration. We know the Indonesia OG doodles holder, as we're a pretty tight-knit community.

Please list any known third party stakeholders (if applicable). N/A

Please list any participating organizations & sponsors (if applicable). Bartega:

KOI Kemang (venue):

Project Lead Additional Remarks