
Proposal Type
Project Lead

kryptokeri / @NFTPrince

Date or Duration

@August 15, 2023

Aug 21, 2023 7:03 PM


We are connecting a group of the top NFT Communities in Toronto to hold regular events to give back to their holders. The community will include members from BAYC, Asuki, Doodles, Moonbirds and DeGods.

Team Space: On approval Days until launch: 28 Requested Budget (USD): 2000


Jeff Bullzos and NFT Prince - BAYC Community LoverBoyNFT - DeGods Community


What kind of community event are you organizing? cross-community event

What's the name of the event? Non-Fungible Yacht Party

What can you tell us about the venue and capacity? Yacht docked at Polson Pier from 7PM to 10PM. 280 people

Could you break down the anticipated number of attendees? Include the projected percentage of attendees who will be Doodles holders. We will allow 10-15% allocation to each major group, so about up to 42 Doodles

What is the event's run of show? Include any planned activities and entertainment. Boarding begins at 6PM 7PM will be a live art gallery 8PM will be networking, giveaways and guest speakers will wrap up at 10PM

What are you hoping to accomplish through this event? Give back to the Doodles Toronto community and allow them an opportunity to network

Please detail the budget plan that accounts for all projected expenses to be assumed by the Inkubator, as well as any other participating parties or sponsors. Be sure to include any potential revenue sources. We currently have sponsors providing $5k, which is for the Yacht rental and docking fees. The additional funds from Doodles would be for catering, servers and allocation of 2 drinks a person

What is the marketing and promotional plan to generate demand for the event? Each community will allow for free tickets for NFT holders, will be advertised across twitter and to each community Discord group

How will registration / holder check-in be managed? Eventbrite

Please list any known third party stakeholders (if applicable). ETHToronto, Blockchain Futurist Conference

Please list any participating organizations & sponsors (if applicable). Bored Ape Club Canada

Project Lead Additional Remarks

Proposal deck can be found here: