
Proposal Type
Project Lead


Date or Duration

@September 14, 2023

Sep 7, 2023 5:34 PM
Invited to resubmit. Kat reached out to the project lead (Jeff) with the councils feedback and questions on Sept 18.


The Wranglers are a thriving Web3 community based in Austin, TX, and open to all. We host a weekly coffee meetups for the local and visiting Web3 community. Over the past two years, we have hosted more than 100 weekly coffees, including large gatherings during SXSW and Consensus.

We are seeking a grant of $1,500 from the Doodles community to buy coffee for any Doodle OG holder who attends our weekly meetup throughout the year. Furthermore, to enhance the experience for Doodle community members, we will create and distribute exclusive stickers and Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) tokens for Doodle holders attending our meetups. We believe these offerings will create a unique experience for Doodle holders, foster a sense of belonging, and encourage further participation in our meetups. Team Space: On approval Days until launch: 21 Requested Budget (USD): 1500


Jeff Bissinger - @whale_nft - OG Doodle holder and Wranglers coffee veteran. Jeff will be responsible for project coordination with Doodles

Michael Johnstone - @daddio - Coordinating POAPs and stickers, managing Doodle check-ins, and reporting. Also responsible for event venue as Wranglers co-founder.

@luckyape_eth - supporting the project as needed. Wranglers co-founder


What kind of community event are you organizing? sponsorship

What's the name of the event? Doodle Wranglers Weekly Coffee Experience

What can you tell us about the venue and capacity? It will be hosted at Radio Coffee & Beer, 4204 Menchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78704 It's a large coffee shop with indoor/outdoor space and food trucks.

Capacity for the event is 100 people however we don't expect that many most weeks.

Could you break down the anticipated number of attendees? Include the projected percentage of attendees who will be Doodles holders. Projected # of Doodle attendees: 260 over the year

Projected % doodle community members in attendance: 100%

Note: These events consist of many non-Doodles holders but they are not able to participate in this benefit.

What is the event's run of show? Include any planned activities and entertainment. There is no performance or schedule. It's a casual event that is open from 9:30-11am although some people stay later.

What are you hoping to accomplish through this event?

  1. Enhance the experience of Doodle holders attending our weekly coffee meetups.
  2. Foster a sense of community and camaraderie among Doodle holders.
  3. Increase the participation of Doodle community members in our events.
  4. Strengthen the relationship between the Wranglers and the Doodles community.

Please detail the budget plan that accounts for all projected expenses to be assumed by the Inkubator, as well as any other participating parties or sponsors. Be sure to include any potential revenue sources.

  • Coffee for one Doodle holder: $5 (estimate)
  • Total Number of Doodle holders attending: 260 (estimate)
  • Total coffee cost for one year: $1,300

Additional budget for exclusive Doodle stickers and POAP tokens:

  • Stickers and POAP tokens cost per Doodle holder: $1 (estimate);
  • Total stickers and POAP tokens cost for one year: $260
  • Art design for stickers and POAP: $250
  • Note: we’re working with the Doodle community to source the designs/stickers.

Total budget: $1,510

What is the marketing and promotional plan to generate demand for the event? We will promote the weekly coffee meetups and the Doodle partnership exclusively online via Twitter and Discord communities.

How will registration / holder check-in be managed? Registration is not required. We’ll use for check in. To confirm Doodle ownership and gather a wallet address for the POAP. It does not require KYC or direct wallet connection.

Please list any known third party stakeholders (if applicable). NFT Wranglers

Please list any participating organizations & sponsors (if applicable). NFT Wranglers - (@wagmiyall)

Project Lead Additional Remarks