
Proposal Type
Project Lead

Nir Kouris

Date or Duration


Proposal Name

Coloring the Future in the Middle East: A Digital Experience

Mar 20, 2024 6:44 PM
Result: This proposal has been rejected. Reason: The Council felt this proposal was in need of some more work and had a meeting with Nir to discuss specifics. Due to the event date a resubmission is not feasible.


Submitted By:

Nir Kouris






Tom Robow - Event Producer


Name of Event:

Coloring the Future in the Middle East: A Digital Experience

Event Date:


Event Type:

Community Meetup (host in-person get-togethers or activities for the community)

Event One-Liner:

Coloring the Future: Where art, tech converge in Dubai at our Doodles Community Event, April 19th!

Event Cost:



Event Description:


Embark on a journey of innovation and inspiration at "Coloring the Future in the Middle East" on April 19th in Dubai. This exclusive event blends art, technology, and tradition, offering a captivating exploration of Middle Eastern culture. From immersive art installations to tech showcases, connect with global thought leaders and creative pioneers shaping the future landscape. Engage in discussions, forge connections, and experience the rich diversity of the region through interactive exhibits. Join us in painting a brighter tomorrow at "Coloring the Future in the Middle East."

Official Side Event for Token 2049

Event Location:

Unit 15, Al Serkal Avenue - 8 B St - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Venue Description:

Verse Estate is a VR technology Event space headquartered in Dubai providing metaverse solutions (consumer metaverse/ enterprise metaverse/industrial metaverse). Unlike gaming metaverses, Verse Estate is focused on hyper realistic designs.

Verse Estate is currently building a full Virtual Reality World (“Verse World”), with its own marketplace and virtual economy. The high-tech 6000 sq. ft. showroom at the heart of Dubai in AlSerkal Avenue is open to visitors.The showroom of Verse Estate is equipped with the biggest 3D scanning studio in the world, VR Table, VR Technology to try out, and a racing simulator.

Event Schedule:

Time: 5PM to 10PM

5:30-6:00 PM Registration

6:00-6:30 PM Opening words by Nir and Doodles team member (Doodles Confirmed Speaker for Token 2049).

7:00- 10:00 PM 3D scanners, activities, networking, drinks, snacks


Registration Process:

Eventbrite with wallet verify the Holders

Expected Registrants:

150 max attendees with a minimum of 60 (50 holders and +1).

Detailed Budget:

Costs: Venue: 8.000$ Food 4.000$ Cocktail 2.500$ Extras: Decoration, Rollup Banners : 500$ Total: 15.000$


Marketing Plan:

My Marketing Plan for Coloring the Future in the Middle East:

Before the Event:

Utilize Social Media for event teasers and visuals, engaging the audience with our unique hashtag.

Implement Email Marketing for personalized invitations and reminders, emphasizing the exceptional experience awaiting attendees.

Forge Collaborations with local influencers and organizations to extend our event's reach and credibility.

Craft compelling Content, including blog posts and articles, positioning our event as a must-attend gathering.

During the Event:

Provide Live Social Media updates for real-time insights and attendee engagement.

Design Interactive Experiences to encourage participation and sharing.

Ensure cohesive Branding & Merchandise reflecting the event's colorful theme.

Facilitate Networking sessions to foster connections among attendees.

After the Event:

Share a Post-Event Recap across social media and email newsletters, highlighting the event's success.

Encourage User-Generated Content with our event hashtag.

Gather Feedback & Surveys for insights into future event improvements.

Maintain momentum by Engaging our community with updates on upcoming events and initiatives.

Creative Assets:

Develop a vibrant Event Logo & Branding capturing the essence of our theme.

Craft visually captivating Promotional Graphics for posters and digital flyers.

Produce Teaser Videos showcasing event highlights and experiences.

Design colorful Merchandise featuring our event logo for promotion and keepsakes.


Event Products & Decorations:

1. Event Logo & Branding: - Vibrant logo and consistent branding across materials.

2. Promotional Graphics: - Eye-catching posters and digital flyers.

3. Merchandise: - Custom-designed items featuring event logo.

4. Branding & Signage: - Colorful banners and signage.

5. Cultural Decor: - Middle Eastern-inspired decor and floral arrangements.

6. Networking Zones: - Comfortable seating areas with branded elements.

Content Capture:

We will have a video team on site provided by the venue



Third party insurance.

Third Party Insurance:

Extra Details:

This is an amazing venue and opportunity for Token 2049 in Dubai.