
Proposal Type
Project Lead

Burry Lurkin

Date or Duration

9 Months

Proposal Name

MLG - Mr. Lynda Golf

Mar 22, 2024 2:58 PM
Result: This proposal has been rejected. Reason: There were IP concerns with the submitted designs which was flagged by the internal team. Burry has been invited to resubmit with updated designs.
4/1/2024: Burry has requested that we change the experiment cost of this proposal from $12,500 → $13,694.


Submitted By:

Burry Lurkin






@BurryLurkin - Project Lead, Marketing/Social @LiefMagnus - Sales/Marketing @livehardcor - IT Guru @vaypor - Art Director / Design


Name of Experiment:

MLG - Mr. Lynda Golf

Experiment Duration:

9 Months

Experiment Type:

Sale of Physical Goods (e.g. selling physical products online or in-person)

Experiment One-Liner:

Swing like Mr. Lynda

Experiment Cost:



Experiment Description:

Working Brand Name (The Burry Collective, Touch Grass Golf Co., Joyful Greens) The experiment we're looking to test is if there is an appetite for high end golf apparel that has a doodles flair. The intended audience would be people that either play golf or vibe with the gear. We would look to run limited supply runs of different designs that would create exclusivity of said design(s). One route would be to leverage the "wizzy ministry" to crowd source designs from the community and use the voting mechanism to help decide which pieces we'd like to produce. The other route would be to leverage designs by @vaypor to drive the direction of the brand for the first drop. I would also like to tie in some content creation around the process of product development, creation of an RFP that will be released to the supply base, supplier qualification (tricks and tips for vetting suppliers), price/terms negotiation, sampling and distribution to help other projects learn some best in class processes and procedures that can be leveraged by others with an idea they'd like to make into a reality. Sales Channels would be DTC via social channels (twitter, meta, tiktok). We will also explore strategic partnerships with companies that have a network of private golf courses for IRL placement in pro shops. The purpose of this product is to spread joy on the golf course and enable more touching of grass as well all know grounding is healing.

Experiment Success:

There are a few metrics that I would hold this product accountable for to deem the experiment a success. Creation of high-end golf apparel that appeals to an audience outside of the doodles community Creation and story telling of the process/journey so that people can stay informed and use this as a reference point for other project ideas Sales of products exceeding costs with a % factored in to return funds to the inkubator Partnership with at least 1 notable course for "exclusive" placement in their pro shop

Experiment Product:

As mentioned, we could either go the crowd sourced route for design or leverage Vaypor to refine our designs. Currently we could leverage some of the Lurkin assets for a Mr.Lynda Golf theme or work to make a more simplistic and minimalist design that only people familiar with the doodles brand will understand. My goal would be to source a polo, quarter-zip and a hat using best in class suppliers in the market. I will use import-yeti to back into the manufacturers of the top golf brands in the world. Lower hanging fruit would be tees, ball markers, towels and head covers should the brand show signs of success.

Product Distribution: will be repurposed for MLG (brand name to be worked). Currently operating a WooCommerce platform but we could easily pivot to shopify w/ tokenproof for gated discounts. Inventory/pack/pick done in house with shipstation for outbound FG shipments. We would push content on Twitter/Meta/Tiktok driving to direct sales via the website. We will also utilize our existing network to place products in pro shops.


OG Holder Participation:

I would like to leverage the creative talent of the community to help design the products that we'll bring to light. By giving community a voice in the creation there will be more attachment to the product. It will also be good PR to see the winners of the contest to be rewarded in royalties on sales for their designs. In the sampling phase of the experiment, I'd like to acquire enough units to send to holders in the creation of marketing content. We would leverage the community for footage that can be repurposed for social media feeds. We can set up an "OG Ambassador" program where holders can get rewarded for bringing in sales via a unique coupon code. Naturally we would give holders exclusive buying window and discount upon launch.


Website is covered, we'd need to find API to tokengate OG Holders (or flow assets?) with WooCommerce. We can also easily pivot to Shopify w/ Tokenproof if needed. Access/Approval to leverage full body Mr.Lynda/Burry and smile assets. Branding guidance from the team for a cohesive direction of the brand, Workshop the name


Once we've selected the designs (whether crowd sourced or done internally), we will negotiate with suppliers to find the best quality product at the best price. We will build the final cost with a % return to the inkubator factored into the price.


Yes, the plan is to market the product at a price point that will be self sustaining for additional runs for direct to consumer limited run sales. The larger goal is to scale with distribution at pro shops located at private/semi-private clubs where premium pricing is expected.

Future Inkubation:

Should the project successful and look to move to scale we would engage with a 3PL for inventory and distribution. Website can scale accordingly. Golf apparel is a dime a dozen, the successful brands succeed because of their product quality and fanbase for the brand. We would invest more into content for social media posts, ad campaigns and partner with influencers in the space to get more eyes on the product. It would be a big win to partner with the likes of Concert Golf Partners or Arrcos to get exclusive distribution into their course portfolio, keep the exclusivity factor.

Detailed Budget:

Final budgetary numbers are dependent upon final negotiations with suppliers, estimated product costs are very conservative 100 Polos @ $25 = $2,500 100 Hats @ $25 = $2,500 100 Qtr Zip @ $25 = $2,500 Marketing Ads = $2,500 (could do A/B testing on ads) Animation Work = $2,500 (source from community) *Budget could be de-scoped, but I feel that an offering of a few products will land better for a brand launch


Marketing Plan:

Depending on the preferred route from the team if approved we could take this two ways. The crowd sourced route where we would look to leverage the community for participation on the creation of a product in which I would like to use a similar model and hopefully repurpose the wizzy ministry tokens for participation and voting. We work to build out a few different designs of each product and run a campaign of this or that to gauge feedback on design preferences from the interwebs. In both scenarios I would then want to engage with some animators to create some shorts w/ voice overs that can be utilized on socials to build lure and awareness to the upcoming launch. We'll create a referral program that will award a people that participated to become in essence beta testers for our sample runs during the procurement process. We'll secure some influencer "ambassadors" that we'll send some welcome packages to so they can sport the new swag and expand the brand beyond crypto twitter. Ideally I would like to integrate d2 wearables into the mix by holding XYZ you can participate in the OG holders purchase window. Finally we'll run some content production giveaways with gear packages for those that want to participate in the growth of the brand. Myself and the team will also be heavily involved in content creation for social channels. We will also leverage Vaypor to assist in the rebrand/redesign of the website to match the vibe we're going for.


Attached are just a few options we were playing with for the Burry Golfer logo and some easy sublimated polos. But if we have funding we can engage with best in class suppliers that generally require a bigger order. I think taking the angle of creating a great product with small nods to the doodles community like by utilizing the smile would create a bigger market opportunity.



Own insurance.

Third Party Insurance:

Extra Details:

Pretty simple. It's comfortable golf attire that has a doodles Rick Flair. Wooo!