
Proposal Type
Project Lead

Jun Kim

Date or Duration


Proposal Name

Korea Doods Meetup 2024 by Inkubator by Doodles

Jun 24, 2024 5:36 PM
Result: This proposal has been rejected. Next steps: Youngsun provided Jun Kim with feedback and the council has requested a resubmission.


Submitted By:

Jun Kim






  1. Project Manager/Venue Booking/Sponsor Management: @youngsunlive
  2. Overall Operations/Koodles Twitter Management: @0xjunkim
  3. Designer: Need to recruit/request support from Artist in Residence if viable (or outsource to an outside designer, based on the assets created by @originalsmin and @ArtDood_eth last year)
  4. Merch Production: @wisekim_eth (Supervised the production of Koodles t-shirts and Doodles art badges for last year's KBW side event)
  5. Promotion/Marketing/Collaboration with Other Communities/Venue Communication/On-site Staff:
  • On-site MC: @0xboosik (a Twitter Space veteran)
  • Marketing/Event Staff: @dvdd_by_zero, @pepper_spacebar, @journeywith_eth
  1. COMMUNITY SPONSOR: A local community legend, "Doodle-ee," has committed to sponsoring at least 2 ETH (up to 5 ETH if the event planning looks good). We plan to maximize and commemorate his legendary move in the most community-loving way possible!
  2. Intro

    Name of Event:

    Event Date:

    Event Type:

    Event One-Liner:

    Event Cost:


    Event Description:

    Event Location:

    Venue Description:

  • Venue: Undecided at the moment (subject to discussion upon initial budget)
  • Features needed: May need as many screens possible like we had for last year at Weple (where Poopie made a keynote for everyone!)
  • Capacity: 3-40 (Doodles holders +1's)
  • Event Schedule:

  • 6:30-7pm: Registration
  • 7-7:15pm: Panel (Youngsun with the legend sponsor dood)
  • 7:15-7:30pm: Panel (Doodle Team if anyone makes to Seoul/Open mic within the community)
  • 7:30-9:30pm: Free mingling/merch giveaways
  • 9:30-10pm: Wrap-up
  • Logistics

    Registration Process:

    Expected Registrants:

+1s: 30

Detailed Budget:

  • Venue rental: $750 (We will aim to negotiate for free rental like last year)
  • Food: $60 per person x 60 = $3,600
  • Beers/Beverages: $10 per person x 60 = $600
  • Art (banners, assets for screen exhibitions, t-shirts, etc.): $975
  • Merch (T-shirts, hand stamps, stickers, etc.): Sponsored by local legend (2-5 ETH)
  • Extra design & cool venue: Dependent on the local legend's additional generosity
  • Marketing

    Marketing Plan:

  1. Registration on the official Korea Blockchain Week side event sheet: Application already submitted last week, will be available on the official sheet once it becomes available.
  2. Luma link: (Automatically shows in the local events list).
  3. Koodles Twitter Posts/Re-tweets by members.
  4. Speak on Ink Tank/Portal/Dood morning Spaces: Reach out to potentially visiting doods from all around the world!
  5. Also could do another derivatives collection like this:
  6. Materials:

  7. Decorations: Will need digital screen assets like last year so the holders can take lovely photos with their doods! (
  8. Products: T-shirts will be also powerful tool to spread the love locally and globally because each of us loves to rock the custom dood shirts at other global events (
  9. Also we plan on making the hand stamps which looked very cute and photogenic from the Consensus party! (Couldn't find the photo)
  10. And maybe we could order some of the Toastie candles as samples irl?
  11. Content Capture:

  12. Take snap photos and videos!
  • We have 5+ staff volunteering at the event.
  • Especially with the screen assets/cute decorations, the visitors naturally take pictures/videos and post them online (we shall encourage tagging @koodles_society).
  1. Maybe hire video artist if our locally sponsored budget permits.
  2. Extra


    Third Party Insurance:

Extra Details:

We had a meaningful victory as a community last year in Seoul, especially by leveraging the opportunity to welcome global doods who were visiting for Korea Blockchain Week. Additionally, it was exceptionally memorable with Poopie making a special appearance and delivering a lovely speech for the community. An event like this would be more than meaningful for everyone in the local community and the global visitors.