
Proposal Type
Project Lead

Nir Kouris

Date or Duration


Proposal Name

Colorful Vibes: Joyful Gathering

Funding Progress


Apr 1, 2024 7:21 PM
Result: This proposal has been approved.


Submitted By:

Nir Kouris






Nir Kouris - Main Organizer Ignacio Agramont - Event Manager


Name of Event:

Colorful Vibes: Joyful Gathering

Event Date:


Event Type:

Community Meetup (host in-person get-togethers or activities for the community)

Event One-Liner:

Unite for art and innovation at our Doodles Rooftop Event, May 29th!

Event Cost:



Event Description:

Join us for an evening of creativity and connection at the Alexandre Herculano Rooftop. This event, on Wednesday, May 29th, brings together Doodles holders and their guests for networking and inspiration.

NFC Conference is the place where the focus is that all the Web3 Communities come together with an impressive lineup of speakers and community events.

Audience: We plan to invite the top speakers who come to the NFC summit and that way to create the buzz and hopefully maybe even a Doodles speaker if it will be confirmed. NFC Lisbon attracts many web3 communities , NFT holders but first we invite Doodle Holders +1.

Event Location:

WeWork Alexandre Herculano Rooftop

Venue Description:

Celebrate creativity and forge new connections within the Doodles community. Engage in discussions, share insights, and discover the potential of blockchain technology in art.

This excellent location at only 9 minutes, a foot walk, from NFC Lisbon is well-served including an outdoor terrace on the 9th floor, it has a public transit network, including metro stations within walking distance, and a bus stop situated in front of the main entrance. The space is within easy walking distance of multiple bus stops, providing convenient connections throughout the city and beyond. The metro is close at hand too, with the Rato, Avenida and Marquês de Pombal metro stations all within a 10-minute walk. Max Capacity is 70 people.

Event Schedule:

The planned schedule starts from 5PM to 10PM

5:30-6:00 PM Registration 6:00-6:30 PM Opening words showing special videos and art by Doodles Holders and Creators. 7:00-10:00 PM Activities, networking, drinks, snacks


Registration Process:

Eventbrite with their wallet address and a special code

Expected Registrants:

70 max attendees (Only Doodles Holders +1) with a minimum of 50 (25 holders and +1).

Detailed Budget:

Venue: 1.900€

Food (Cookies, Snacks, Cheese Plate with Mixed Selections): 1.750€ (25€ for 70 people)

Special Crafted Doodle Themed Cocktails: 2.100€ (30€ for 70 people)

Extras: Decoration (Screens showing Doodles Art, Projector with Doodles Art), Rollup Banners and Giveaway items (Doodles Toasties, Doodle Official Merch, Shirts and a Special Prize: G-Shock Watch): 700€

Mandatory Services:

  • Cleaning = 60,00€ + VAT (23%) per hour Total 369€ for 5 hours
  • Security Services = 31,30€ + VAT (23%) per hour and per security guard (minimum 5 hours per shift) Total 572€ for 5 hours and 3 guards
  • Marketing

    Marketing Plan:

  • I'll use Social Media to engage our audience with event teasers and visuals, encouraging interaction with our unique hashtag.
  • Through Email Marketing, I'll send out personalized invitations and reminders, emphasizing the exceptional experience awaiting attendees.
  • I'll forge Collaborations with local influencers and organizations to extend our event's reach and credibility.
  • To build anticipation, I'll craft compelling Content, including blog posts and articles, positioning our event as a must-attend gathering.

During the Event:

  • I'll provide Live Social Media updates, offering real-time insights and encouraging attendee engagement.
  • Designing Interactive Experiences, I'll create stations that invite attendees to participate and share their experiences.
  • I'll ensure that our Branding & Merchandise reflect the event's colorful theme, serving as memorable souvenirs for attendees.
  • Facilitating Networking sessions, I'll create opportunities for attendees to connect and build relationships.

After the Event:

  • I'll share a Post-Event Recap across our social media channels and email newsletters, highlighting the event's success.
  • Encouraging User-Generated Content, I'll prompt attendees to share their favorite moments using our event hashtag.
  • Through Feedback & Surveys, I'll gather insights for future event improvements, ensuring continued success.
  • To maintain momentum, I'll continue Engaging our community, keeping them informed about upcoming events and initiatives.
  • Materials:

Content Capture:

We will do the video and the photos for the event.



Third party insurance.

Third Party Insurance:


Extra Details:

NFC Conference is the place where the focus is that all the Web3 Communities come together with an impressive lineup of speakers and community events.

Activities for the event: Apple Vision Pro station with Demos as the Creator Stoodio live making a doodle. We can also put another computer next to it for a more 2D experience. Live Doodling by an artist and posters with a special design. Giveaways as the Doodle Candles as prizes like doodles, official merch etc. NFC Conference has official community gatherings of other communities like pudgy penguins, Rtfkt , and Doodles must be there to also attract others and that’s why I picked these locations and venues near the main conference areas. Designing the place and giveaways are super important to make it feel like a home for the community and not just another event space- we will use the budget for that.