UX Design for Doodles NFT Holder Community Hub

Application Deadline
April 28, 2024
Available Grant

Up to $7,500 USD

Bounty Lead(s)
Sayeed Mehrjerdian
Apply Now
A holder was selected to design the UX of the Community Hub. Name will be announced shortly.

1. Introduction

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is specifically targeted at accomplished UX design firms and expert individual contributors, inviting them to present their innovative proposals for the creation of a vibrant and interactive onboarding experience tailored for new Doodles NFT holders. The envisioned hub is designed to be a welcoming portal, seamlessly directing users to crucial community engagement points and essential resources. It is imperative for respondents to this RFP to understand that its focus is exclusively on the meticulous research and design of user experiences, encompassing the development of interfaces, crafting of engaging copy, and creation of compelling visual assets.

We emphasize that the scope of this RFP is confined to laying the foundational UX groundwork. Once this phase reaches its culmination with the delivery of finalized wireframes, mockups, and approved textual content, we will initiate a subsequent RFP aimed at the actual development of the web application. This sequential approach underscores our commitment to a design-first methodology. Adopting this strategy ensures that the requirements are crystal clear to the development team from the outset, facilitating a streamlined and efficient build process. This deliberate phase separation is designed to guarantee that the eventual development phase is informed by a solid, well-thought-out UX framework, thereby enhancing the final product's effectiveness and user satisfaction.

2. Budget

Initial UX Design RFP Budget

For the initial phase of our project, focused on UX research and design, we have allocated a budget of $7,500. We recognize that this amount may seem modest compared to the prevailing market rates for such comprehensive and specialized work. However, our aim in proposing this budget is not to underestimate the value of professional UX design but to appeal to those within our community who are looking for opportunities to contribute beyond monetary gain. We are seeking partners who are passionate about leveraging their skills to give back to the community, enhance the collective experience, and gain recognition for their expertise.

Follow-On Development RFP Budget Looking ahead to the next phase, which involves the development of the web application based on the completed UX design, we have set aside a budget of $15,000. Similar to the design phase, this budget is positioned on the lower end of the spectrum in comparison to what such development efforts might command in an open market. Our rationale remains consistent: we aspire to engage community members who are motivated by a sense of contribution and the opportunity to showcase their talents within a collaborative environment.

The structured budgets for both the UX design and development phases of our project reflect a strategic choice to foster community involvement and commitment. We understand that financial compensation is an important consideration, but we are hopeful that the intrinsic rewards of contributing to a project of this nature will resonate with potential contributors. This approach allows us to not only manage project costs effectively but also to cultivate a team that is genuinely invested in the success and growth of our community.

By participating in these RFPs, contributors will gain valuable exposure and the chance to highlight their skills and creativity to a wide audience. It's an opportunity to make a meaningful impact, be recognized for your contributions, and potentially open doors to future collaborations and opportunities within and beyond our community.

In conclusion, while our budgets may reflect a cautious financial approach, our overarching goal is to build a project that is rooted in community engagement, collaboration, and the shared success of all involved parties. We believe that through this project, we can collectively achieve something truly remarkable for our community.

3. Project Overview

The community hub will be a cornerstone for interaction and information, providing new Doodles NFT holders with a personalized onboarding checklist and a central point of contact with the broader community.

Key design components will include:

  • A welcoming onboarding checklist directing users to the stoodio, discord, social channels, and more.
  • A CTA directing new community members to create their user profile area within the stoodio.
  • Detailed information on Doodles collections, including descriptions, contract addresses, preferred marketplaces for secondary trading etc. In addition, the product team has requested that a high level technical overview / educational overview of the collections be included i.e. wallets, tokens, chains, how the user actions effect the back end process (for example explaining through infographics how the space doodles process works or how the genesis box burn on eth for flow traits works)
  • A calendar showcasing upcoming community events, both virtual and in-person.
  • A resource section linking to IP usage rights, educational materials, and an introduction to submitting for community project funding opportunities through the Inkubator.
  • An IP Pack area granting access to high-resolution token assets and derivatives.
  • A community team page that profiles discord moderators, council members, and official employees.
  • A community artist directory highlighting artists within the community to reach out to for commissions and to follow for general community generated content.
  • A community creations showcase highlighting companies, products and services built by community members with submission processes for highlighting holder initiatives.

Inspiration from community on-boarding interactions from other popular web3 projects can be found here.

General guiding principles to keep in mind for this RFP can be found here.

Inkubator brand guidelines can be found here.

4. Requirements

The design must be intuitive, visually appealing, and inclusive of the following:

  • Community Onboarding: An interactive checklist guiding new holders to community essentials.
  • Profile Integration: Seamless call to action linking over to the stoodio for user profile completion.
  • Collection Breakdown: Visually rich and informative sections for each Doodle collection.
  • Events Calendar: A dynamic and updatable calendar for event listings.
  • Community Resources: Easy access to legal, educational, and community resource links.
  • IP Pack Access: A secure area for holders to download their token-specific high-res assets.
  • Community Team Representation: A dedicated section to introduce the community team.
  • Community Artist Directory: A dedicated directory of community artists that can be hired for commissions and that are newcomers should follow on socials to fill their fed with fun engaging community driven content.
  • Holder Creations Showcase: An area to feature community projects, with an application form for submissions.

The product team has requested that any components that will be regularly updated be build leveraging the same internal CMS the Doodles team is using. As part of the UX requirements, please define which components are intended to be static and which components should be built via CMS so that internal resources on the council and social team can update content without code changes.

5. Proposal Requirements

A detailed approach to delivering the above components, including technical and creative methodologies. A rationale for the proposed architecture, keeping in mind that a separate RFP will be created to build the community on-boarding hub. A comprehensive pricing model and timeline with key milestones. Examples of prior experience with similar projects. Proposed strategies for cross-browser compatibility and responsive design. Maintenance and support offerings post-launch.

The goal will be to emphasize the use of open-source tools and CMS platforms to minimize costs.

6. Evaluation Criteria:

Grasp of the project scope. Proven experience and technical capability. Originality in proposed design solutions. Cost efficiency and overall value. Quality of maintenance and support strategies. Punctuality in previous project completions.

7. Submission Guidelines

Proposals for this RFP are no longer being accepted.

8. Conclusion

We anticipate partnering with creative and forward-thinking designers to build a welcoming and informative hub for Doodles NFT holders. We look forward to reviewing proposals that align with our vision for a vibrant and supportive community experience.