
Proposal Type
Custom Proposal
Project Lead

JeremyNation / @ETH_Nation

Date or Duration

@January 31, 2024

Sep 14, 2023 6:16 PM
This proposal has expired.
This proposal will expire on October 30, 2023 unless an answer to the below questions are received.
Council Feedback: Thanks for your proposal. Assuming you’d still like to move forward with it, the Council would like to request additional information from you:
  • The Council will provide support as far as sourcing the artists, so this doesn’t need to be taken into account in your spending plan. The plan is to open an RFP to help crowdsource the artists and help produce the visuals against your storyline.
  • Please prepare a ZIP file including the copy for the book if it exists already as well as a documenting clearly outlining the visual direction for the book you expect to take (for internal approval).
  • What is the distribution plan to earn sales for the book? What are the expected unit economics? What is the expected price range of the book? Do you have the needed experience to execute against that plan? We require far more information as far as these details go before this proposal can be approved.
  • The Council recommends working on the first book in a series that will have a very clear target market as far as age group goes, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach against all possible ages.
  • Further detail on timeline and roadmap are required.

Please provide answers to the above questions using the file upload form to send files securely to the Council.


I wrote a book that I believe would be perfect to adapt to the Doodles universe, with a friendly message about NFTs, inspired by Dr. Seuss called JPEGS and Spam.

I want help to compensate an artist to create graphic panels to accompany my book's copy, and to print and distribute the book to those who wish to buy it. Team Space: On approval Days until launch: 138 Requested Budget (USD): 16000


Right now the team is just me. With a budget to get an artist, I will turn to the existing pool of talented members of the Doodles community to help. It might be fun to have multiple artists submit various panels in their own distinct styles, budget allowing.


What unique benefit(s) or experience(s) does this project provide for the holders of the originals Doodles collection? Holders have the opportunity to opt in to have their Doodles showcased in the official project art. In addition we can offer them discounted prices on the book, or a free digital copy.

How might this project affect the overall value of the original Doodles collection: While this project is not intended to affect the overall value of the original Doodles collection, it will provide a means for Doodles from that collection to be advertised in the context of a colorful, fun, playful journey.

How does this initiative relate to Doodles' brand identity and values? As an educational playful children's book, this product falls directly in line with the Doodle's existing family oriented physical offering catalogue.

What aspects of this project could appeal to the Doodles community? I think the Doodles community is eager to see story-driven art that showcases the brand. This is that.

If any, what are the projected financial outcomes of this project for Inkubator? Ideally this project would be able to turn a profit and make the Doodlebank whole after a certain number of books are sold. Based on the projections for print-on-demand, or bulk printing the price may be adjusted to accommodate this. It is my strong desire that a portion of profits go to a nonprofit organization that betters mankind.

Can you describe the team's skills, past performance and credentials? Check my byline if you'd like to see my credentials. I have been in the publishing industry for over a decade, and I have a great deal of experience in NFTs, web3, and crypto.

Who are the target audiences for this project? All ages.

Why is now the right time to fund this project? What does the spending plan look like? The time is now because the book is ready to go, and the only thing missing is the art element, which funding will provide an avenue for.

Could you outline the plan for building awareness for this project once it is launched? I can outline an awareness plan, yes.

What is the projected timeline for the completion of this project? I'd like to get the books in print by Q1 2024

Project Lead Additional Remarks

I'm willing to work with the team to get a reasonable budget set up for this.