Inkubator by Doodles Presents Inkubator Experiments!
Inkubator Experiments offer OG Holders with the ability to test innovative products and services that aim to enrich the community and expand the Doodles brand.
In their review of proposals for Inkubator Experiments, the Doodles Community Council is dedicated to supporting innovative and engaging experiments that align with these goals.
Here you will find additional information about what the Doodles Community Council is looking for, best practices for proposal submission and an overview of the approval processes.
What We're Looking For
- Core Goal: The proposal should have a goal that, if achieved, would enrich the community and expand the Doodles brand.
- Clear Value Proposition: The experiment should have a distinct value proposition that sets it apart and demonstrates its potential impact.
- Scalability, Sustainability, and Replicability: If successful, the experiment outlined in the proposal should be scalable and sustainable, allowing for replication to create ongoing value.
- Enrich the Doodles Community: The proposal should detail in what ways the experiment enriches the Doodles community.
- Exposure to New Audiences: The experiment outlined in the proposal should clearly lay out how it will expose the Doodles brand to new audiences.
- Revenue Potential: The proposal should clearly address whether the experiment has the potential to generate revenue.
How It Works
- Application Submission: Submit your proposal for the experiment, outlining the core hypothesis, value proposition, and expected outcomes.
- Review Process: The Doodles Community Council will review your proposal, evaluating it based on the criteria mentioned above.
- Grant Approval: If your proposal is approved, then you will be contacted and invited to enter into Doodles’ Experiment Grant Agreement and any other required documentation which may include the Doodles License Agreement.
- Agreements and Funding: Following execution of any required agreements and acceptance of applicable terms, if any, you will receive an Experiment Grant.
- Experiment Implementation: You will then have a set period to conduct the experiment, following the proposed plan and methodology to validate the core hypothesis.
- Reporting Schedule: Upon receiving the Experiment Grant, you are required to create and comply with a reporting schedule, in coordination with the Experiments Lead.
- Post-Experiment Report: You will be required to assess the results of the experiment, gather data, and prepare a comprehensive report which may be in a form provided by the Inkubator.
Submit Your Proposal!
Ready to bring your experiment to life? Submit your proposal!
Experiment Grants FAQ